Brightspeed’s 8XX Database Query Service enables you and your customers to provide reliable high-quality, toll-free routing. It helps ensure toll-free calls are routed to the appropriate interexchange carrier (IXC) – maximizing call completion, so you and your customers generate revenue from every call.
Brightspeed’s 8XX Database Query Service provides comprehensive routing information for all toll-free numbers in the U.S. from the National Service Management System. This source contains more than 22 million different toll-free numbers for fast and reliable routing.
Choose from two different vertical features. Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) translation delivers the 10-digit toll-free number to you. Call Handling and Destination allows variable routing options by specifying carriers and terminations. Variable options include time-of-day routing by location, service provider and multiple geographic locations and allocation by percentage.
Brightspeed’s Service Control Point (SCP) and Service Transfer Point (STP) systems accurately and instantaneously identify which toll carrier trunk group the call should be routed to.