How to cancel your Brightspeed service

Thinking about canceling your service? Depending on the reason, you may want to review some alternatives to canceling first. Many customers find that an account change or service fix is a better option than canceling. 

If you need to cancel service, here's how.

Are you here because your service has been disconnected? Learn how to get your service turned back on.

Alternatives to canceling service

  • Looking to lower your bill? If you feel your bill is too high, we may be able to help. For long-time customers, we may be able to find a new promotion or better rate for your services. Just contact us to go over your options.

  • Moving to a new address? Instead of canceling and setting up new service, transfer your existing service to your new home. You can save yourself the trouble of paying a new deposit, setting up a new My Brightspeed profile, or re-enrolling in AutoPay and other services. Moving is also a great time to ask about any new promotions or discounts that are available.
  • Going away for a while? You can put a temporary hold on your account. This simply suspends your services at a reduced rate until you're ready to use them again. This also reserves your same phone number and allows you to keep using your Brightspeed email and leased equipment.

  • Frustrated with your service? If you're having home phone or internet service issues, please explore our online guides and resources for self-help options. Visit our home phone or internet resource centers, or search the Support Center for specific topics. And of course, you can contact us for more help.

Need to cancel your service? Here's how.

Please call to cancel services or close your Brightspeed account, call 833-692-7773 (MYBRSPD) between 8 am - 6 pm, Monday through Friday.



Special notes related to canceling services

Below are a few tips related to certain services to keep in mind when you cancel Brightspeed service:


  • Modem return  – If you are leasing a Brightspeed modem/router, you will need to return your modem within 30 days after canceling service to avoid an equipment charge of up to $200.



  • Deposit – If you paid a deposit when you set up your Brightspeed service, your deposit plus any interest will be applied to your final balance. We'll send you a closing bill by mail that shows any outstanding balance owed or credit due.

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